Food: Foods That Melt Away The Fat

In case you can’t read the print:

May Issue of Cosmopolitan: 9 Foods That Melt Away Flab!

1. Eggs
Vitamin B12in the yolk helps your body torch fat. Plus, they are super filling and starve off binges.

2. Peanut Butter
Creamy or chunky, it’s a source of magnesium, which powers cells to metabolize energy. efficiently.

3. Avocado
It’s high in craving-quelling “good” fat and rich in L-carnitine, an amino acid that fires up your body’s engine.

4. Sirloin Burger
Made with 90% lean beaf, it’s like pure protein, which takes more energy to digest than fat or carbs.

5. Cheese
Conjugated linoleic acid in dairy helps your body burn fat. Go with a tangy, creamy kind that satisfies your palate.  

6. Pickles
A medium pickle is only 7 calories – you’ll burn more energy digesting this salty, crunchy veggie.

7. Green Tea
It’s teeming with catechins, antioxidants that studies show destroy body fat. Plus, caffeine gives your system a metabolic jump.

8. Yogurt
Regular and low-fat kinds have probiotics, bacteria that may reduce the amount of fat that your body absorbs.

9. Quinoa
Because your body works hard digesting this protein-packed whole grain, you burn off extra calories.”


Food: “Healthy Foods”

<- DO

Walking in the aisles of the grocery store can be overwhelming. There are so many things popping up with clever advertisements that make us think “hey this must be good for”. Well things arent always as it seems and advertisers know how to twist things to make them appear better than they are. 

Here are some of the seemingly “healthy” food that are really not: 

Frozen Packaged Food- These packaged frozen foods use wors such as “lean” “smart” and “healthy” to sell you their product. While they are low in calories, they are full of ingredients you would not be able to pronounce. They also contain huge amounts of sodium. 

  • Next time you are in the frozen food isle look for packages with no preservative, simple ingredients, and low sodium.

Veggie Chips- What could be wrong about crispy veggies? SO SO much. First of all these only contain trace amounts of vegetable in them. They are also fried in a lot of oil and high in sodium. Just because they are green or orange does not make them better than the classic potato chips. 

  • Need something crunchy to snack on? Try popped chips or baked ones. Better yet eat some edamame with a small amount of sea salt, homemade kale chips, or crunchy raw veggies. 

Flavored Water- “Vitamin infused water” no, just no. This is full of sugar and the vitamins come from chemicals. A bottle of vitamin water has more sugar than a bottle of coke! 

  • Make your own flavored water by infusing it with fresh fruits. Drink some tea with honey or stevia. 

Dried Fruit- These are full of sugar and often times fried. One serving of dried peaches has as much sugar as 3 cups of fresh strawberries. 

  • Stick to fresh fruit. 

Restaurant Salads-Some of us may think “oh it has lettuce it must be healthy” no no no no. Look up the nutritional facts on these things. Some of the popular chain restaurants salads have more fat and calories than their regular entrees. This is because they can contain fatty dressings and toppings such as bacons, croutons, and fried chicken. 

  • Always look up the nutritional information of the restaurant where you are going to. If you must get a salad ditch the creamy dressings and fatty toppings for light dressings and fresh veggies.


Food: Heavy Metal Detox Pesto Recipe

Heavy Metal Detox Pesto Recipe –

Add More Parsley and Cilantro (Coriander) To Your Diet:
Parsley and cilantro (coriander) are very powerful natural green plant foods for detoxing heavy metals out of your body. Add these amazing herbs to juices, salads, soups and meals.

Heavy Metal Detox Pesto Recipe:
3 cloves garlic
1/3 cup Brazil nuts (selenium source) or macadamia nuts
1/3 cup sunflower seeds (cysteine source)
1/3 cup pumpkin seeds (zinc, magnesium sources)
1 cup fresh cilantro (coriander)
1 cup parsley
2/3 cup cold pressed olive oil
4 tablespoons lemon juice (Vitamin C source)
Big pinch of sea salt and or dulse flakes to flavor.
Soak the seeds and nuts overnight to release the enzyme exhibitors. Process the parsley, cilantro (coriander) and olive oil in a blender until chopped. Add the garlic, nuts, and seeds, salt/dulse and lemon juice and mix until the mixture is finely blended into a paste. Store in dark glass jar. It freezes well also if need be. Enjoy!

In case you are like me and were wondering why the recipe is calling coriander and cilantro the same thing, here is a resource I used to look it up:
Also, Wikipedia helped.
Source for information and Picture:

Food: Avocado Benefits

Facts about Avocado:

1. Protein

Avocadoes provide all 18 essential amino acids necessary for the body to form a complete protein. Unlike the protein in steak, which is difficult for most people to digest, avocado protein is readily absor…bed by the body because avocadoes also contain fiber. If you are trying to cut down on animal sources of protein in your diet, or if you are a vegetarian, vegan or raw foodist seeking more protein, avocadoes are a great nutritional ally to include not merely as an occasional treat, but as a regular part of your diet.

2. Beneficial Fats

Avocadoes provide the healthy kind of fat that your body needs. Like olive oil, avocadoes boost levels of HDL (the “good” cholesterol). HDL cholesterol can help protect against the damage caused by free radicals. This type of cholesterol also helps regulate triglyceride levels, preventing diabetes. A study published early this year in the Canadian Medical Association Journal found that a vegetarian diet, which includes HDL fats, can reduce levels of LDL (the “bad” cholesterol) as effectively as statin drugs.

3. Carotenoids

Avocadoes are an excellent source of carotenoids. Although many people associate carotenoids only with red and orange produce, avocadoes are also an excellent source of this phytonutrient. Avocadoes, also known as alligator pears, offer a diverse range of carotenoids including not only the better known ones such as beta-carotene, alpha-carotene and lutein, but also lesser known varieties of this type of phytonutrient such as neoxanthin, zeaxanthin, chrysanthemaxanthin, neochrome, beta-cryptoxanthin and violaxanthin. Every time you consume foods rich in carotenoids, you deliver high quality vitamin A to your body, thereby protecting eye health. Carotenoids also enhance the functioning of the immune system and promote healthy functioning of the reproductive system. Since carotenoids are fat soluble, eating avocadoes optimizes the absorption of these nutrients.


The combined effect of the deluxe package of nutrients contained in avocadoes offers powerful anti-inflammatory benefits. Avocadoes’ unique combination of Vitamins C and E, carotenoids, selenium, zinc, phytosterols and omega-3 fatty acids helps guard against inflammation. This means avocadoes can help prevent or mitigate against both osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis.

5. Heart Health

The fat content, which causes some uninformed health “experts” to deem avocadoes as unhealthy, actually provides protection against heart diseases. Studies have shown that oleic acid improves cardiovascular health. Oleic acid is the primary fatty acid in avocadoes. Many people now take supplements in order to consume more omega-3 fatty acids to lower their risk of heart disease. Avocadoes are rich in omega-3, delivering 160 milligrams per cup of alpha-linolenic acid.

6. Choosing and Eating

To get the most nutritional value from avocadoes, avoid those which have become over-ripe. You can identify these at the store because they will have dents and feel overly soft when you hold them. A ripe avocado should have no dents in its skin and will feel slightly soft when squeezed. You can also buy unripe avocadoes, which feel very hard when gripped, and permit them to ripen at home. The portion of the avocado closest to the skin is the most dense in nutrients, so be sure to scrape the skin clean before discarding it.

My favorite quote on the subject:

Avocados are like nature’s butter, but unlike real butter they’re so good for you. Not only great raw, but great cooked, avocados are a great way to add healthy, tasty, and natural fat to a dish.”  – Ming Tsai, the power house behind the Boston restaurant Blue Ginger and the host/chef of the best cooking show “Simply Ming”, also the author of several cook books

Information source:

Ming Tsai Quote Source:

For Ming Tsai’s website and access to some of his recipes that include avocado:

Picture Source:

Food: Garlic Benefits


This herb was first used in Ancient times by the Egyptians to treat wounds, infections, tumours and intestinal parasites. No wonder they called it the great protector.
This wonder drug aids digestion, relieves earache, acts as an expectorant and as an antiseptic. Garlic also increases the flow of urine thereby killing thread worms and roundworms in your body. Besides, its ability to expel mucous by liquefying it, can help you control your cold, cough and other respiratory tract infections. This amazing herb has also demonstrated the ability to protect against a variety of environmental toxins. Garlic’s sulphur compounds are potent antioxidants which protect cell membranes and DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) from damage.

Garlic cloves have amazingly high levels of vitamins and minerals. Just 100 g provides (in % of Recommended daily allowance)
95% of vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine),
52% of vitamin C,
33% of copper,
21% of iron,
18% of calcium,
26% Selenium, and
73% of manganese

Picture and information Source: